
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A new video tutorial at Copic Oz

Hi Everyone,

As you know I love colouring cute little people, and I often get asked how I go about colouring hair.

So, I have put together this tutorial with a video for Copic
( My first video - EVER!!!!) for you to hopefully enjoy and learn from!

So, without further adieu, CLICK HERE to see my video tutorial on how to
Colour Hair with Texture!

(pssst let me know what you think!)

Happy Colouring...Mandi-Lee

PS Don't forget to enter this months COPIC OZ Embellish This challenge!!!!! There is an awesome prize to be won!!!

1 comment:

  1. HI Mandi

    Awesome video. It really does make a difference seeing it done, then just reading how to do it.

    I hope this is the first of many more to come from you :)


    Ann, Switzerland.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message. I love to hear your feedback and appreciate your thoughts! Thanks for stopping by! Mandi xxx